Energy efficiency consulting

Energy efficieny consulting

The government funds energy consultations for residential and non-residential buildings.

For residential buildings this is the individual renovation roadmap. For non-residential buildings it is referred to as the DIN V 18599 energy consulting.

individual renovation roadmap (iSFP)

for residential buildings

The iSFP has replaced the on-site consultation report and is much better graphically prepared, so that the calculated results and measures are presented more clearly and comprehensibly.

The renovation roadmap shows you coordinated packages of measures that lead step by step to the best possible renovation of your building. The iSFP has a purely informal character. This means that you are not obliged to implement individual measures.

If one or more measures from the iSFP are implemented, the governmental subsidy for energy renovation increases by 5% points (iSFP bonus). Excluded from this are heating systems, there is no extra iSFP bonus here.

The governmental subsidy amounts to €1,300 for one- and two-family houses and €1,700 for multi-family houses (from 3 residential units).

Energy consulting DIN V 18599

for non-residential buildings

In terms of content, the advisory report for non-residential buildings is very similar to the iSFP (energy renovation roadmap for residential buildings). Here, too, coordinated packages of measures are shown in order to renovate the building's energy efficiency step by step.

The difference to residential buildings lies primarily in the zoning of the non-residential building (office, sales room, production area, etc.), the size of the building and the usually more complex system technology.


The BAFA subsidy (max. 80% subsidy) is based on the net floor area of the building and amounts to:

  • 1 m² - 199 m²         → 1.700,-
  • €200 m² - 500 m² → 5.000,-€
  • more than 500 m²  → 8.000,-€
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